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Diversity Education: Student Equity at Mt. SAC

"Diversity education is a challenging task that requires specific knowledge and training...that all faculty and staff should develop to support student development within a safe, affirming environment." D. Scott Thorp (DePaul University)

Student Support Services

STUDENT SERVICES at Mt. San Antonio College are designed to meet the unique and varied needs of all students including learning communities like Bridge And specialized support services like EOPS/CARE, CalWORKs, DSPS, TRiO programs, Veterans Resource Center, Dream Center, and REACH Foster Youth

ACES Students (First Gen, Low-Income, Disabled)

ACES (Achieving in College, Ensuring Success) is dedicated to helping students who are low-income, those who are the first in their family to attend college, or students who are disabled, overcome class, social, academic, and cultural barriers to higher education. ACES services focus on a holistic approach to student development and success. Participants will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their educational goals and ultimately obtain a Bachelor's degree. The ACES Program is funded by an annual $220,000 grant (for a 5 year cycle) from the U.S Department of Education.

ARISE Students (Asian American and Pacific Islander)

ARISE Our program provides help to American Asian and Pacific Islander (API) students looking for a place within the larger Mt. SAC community. ARISE serves students from all walks of life. We provide many activities, events, workshops. tutoring, field trips, and study space. Our counselors, academic advisors, and tutors will bend over backwards to help you achieve your academic goals.

ASPIRE Students (African American and Other Students)

ASPIRE  Our dynamic program  provides essential educational support and services to African-American and other students enrolled at Mt. San Antonio College., Our missions is to develop a sense of community and increase the academic success, retention, degree completion, and transfer rates of our students. We offer monthly workshops, academic counseling, study groups, tutoring, and learning communities. We connect our students to campus resources including Counseling, Career and Transfer services, Financial Aid, and other support services and host educational forums and events that reflect and discuss African-American culture and history.


THE BRIDGE PROGRAM offers several learning communities designed to increase students' academic and personal success and learn what it takes to succeed in college and beyond.  . During Fall & Spring Bridge  learning communities are offered in Math and English. During the 6-week Summer Bridge, recent high school graduates learn to acclimate to college life, build connections, and overcome fears of college. 


CARE Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education, is a state-funded program designed to recruit and assist single parents who are heads of household with children 13 years old and under and who are CalWORKs recipients attending community college. CARE students receive additional support through counseling, tutoring, assistance with books and supplies, grants, and other services designed to help them complete their educational goals.


THE DREAM PROGRAM provides support services to DREAMers (undocumented students) at Mt. San Antonio College (Mt. SAC). Its purpose is to increase the personal growth and development of DREAM students through academic, career, and personal counseling; peer mentoring; assistance in applying for the California Dream Act/Financial Aid and scholarship opportunities (TheDream.US); and workshops regarding DACA and other issues relative to this student population.


DISABLED STUDENT PROGRAM & SERVICES (DSP&S) is about equal access to any facility, class, program, service or activity on the Mt. SAC campus. Success means different things to different people. Success for some is completing a course. For others, it means completing a program, a degree or obtaining a job. What does it mean for you? We can help you figure it out. We are happy to report students find our services helpful. DSP&S counseling services contributed to their academic success!


EOPS  Extended Opportunity Programs and Services, is a state-funded program that provides educational and financial support services to eligible students who have historically experienced economic and educational disadvantages. Our program goes “over and above” other college services by offering counseling, tutoring, financial assistance, and other support services designed to help students meet their personal and educational goals.

International Students

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CENTER ► is a special place on campus where you can connect with fellow F-1 students and the international community.  Located on the upper level of the Students Services Center (9B), you will find comfortable spaces to network with friends as well as computer stations available for your academic needs.  


PRIDE CENTER is a resource and lounge space for the LGBTQ community and their allies/advocates. Everyone is welcome!


REACHis an educational program designed to assist current and former foster youth. REACH is designed to provide assistance and support to our Foster Youth students in their transition into college, at Mt. SAC and as they transfer to a university.


VETERANS SERVICES  staff along with the entire Mt. San Antonio College community welcomes you! We are eager to assist you as you continue your educational journey with us and hope that your time at Mt. SAC will be a rewarding experience. The College cooperates with the Veterans Administration and with the California State Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation in helping Veterans and dependents apply for Federal and state educational benefits.  Our staff is here to assist student Veterans and eligible dependents and to make appropriate referrals regarding educational benefits.