Mt. Sac Library Mission Statement
The Mt. San Antonio College Library supports student success through knowledgeable and effective instruction and service to students, faculty, and staff by educating them to use appropriate resources and technologies for teaching and learning and by providing access to a comprehensive collection that supports the College’s curricula and that serves the needs of our diverse college community.
Books & eBooks - MT.SAC Library Click on the book cover to link to the Library Catalog
Dreamers: An Immigrant Generation's Fight for their American Dream by Eileen Truax, 2015, Print Book
The DREAMers : How the Undocumented Youth Movement Transformed the Immigrant Rights Debate by Walter Nicholls, 2013, eBook
Articles - MT.SAC Library Databases
Núñez, Elsa. "Dreamers" Are at the Heart of the American Dream." New England Journal of Higher Education, 03 Mar. 2017, Academic Search Complete EBSCOhost.
Torre, De La, and Roy Germano. "Out of the Shadows: DREAMer Identity in the Immigrant Youth Movement." Latino Studies 12.3 (2014), ProQuest Research Library.
Books & eBooks - MT.SAC Library Click on book cover to link to the Library Catalog.
Dignity for All: Safeguarding LGBT Students by
Expanding the Circle: Creating an Inclusive Environment in Higher Education for LGBTQ Students and Studies by John Hawley, 2015, eBook
Articles - MT.SAC Library Databases
Weinberg, Michael. “LGBT-Inclusive Language.” The English Journal, vol. 98, no. 4, 2009, JSTOR
Linley, Jodi L.1 and David J.2 Nguyen. "LGBTQ Experiences in Curricular Contexts." New Directions for Student Services, vol. 2015, no. 152, Winter2015, Education Full-Text (H.W. Wilson) EBSCOhost
Books & eBooks - MT.SAC Library
Fields of Combat : Understanding PTSD Among Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan by Erin Finley, 2001, Print book.
Plenty of Time When We Get Home: Love and Recovery in the Aftermath of War by Kayla Williams, 2014, Print Book
Articles - MT.SAC Library Databases
Olsen, Timothy, et al. "Understanding the Student Veterans' College Experience: An Exploratory Study." U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, Oct-Dec2014, Military and Government Collection, EBSCOhost
Hemmerly-Brown, Alexandra. "From Combat to Classroom." Soldiers, vol. 65, no. 9, Sept. 2010, Military and Government Collection, EBSCOhost
Books & eBooks - MT.SAC Library
Achieving Permanence for Older Children and Youth in Foster Care by Benjamin Kermin, 2009, Print Book
Beyond the Foster Care System: The Future for Teens by Betsy Krebs, 2006, eBook
Articles - MT.SAC Library Databases
Merdinger, Joan M., et al. "Pathways to College for Former Foster Youth: Understanding Factors that Contribute to Educational Success." Child welfare 84.6 (2005) ProQuest Psychology Databases
Shin, Sunny Hyucksun. "Building Evidence to Promote Educational Competence of Youth in Foster Care." Child Welfare, vol. 82, no. 5, Sep/Oct2003, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collegtion, EBSCOhost