Course-Integrated Customized Workshops for ClassesLibrarian liaisons to your department can work with you to design research sessions customized to your course and teach them during your class meeting time. Use this form to request a course-integrated session (the request goes to your liaison) or contact your liaison directly. Drop-In WorkshopsThe Library also offers drop-in research workshops that students can complete out of class time. The drop-in workshop program is based on current standards and practices in Information Competency instruction in higher education, the results of SLO assessment, and successful programs established at similar institutions. Drop-in workshops are offered on campus, in Zoom, and several are also available asynchronously in Canvas. The workshop series is designed for beginning college researchers. Many classes requiring students to evaluate and integrate a variety of reliable resources into their work may find the workshops valuable. View the workshop series. Workshops are 75 minutes long. |
You can request a library research session for your classes! Submit this form and the request will be routed to your liaison who will work with you and your classes.
We also offer drop-in workshops on-campus. Students will see the dates/times for the workshops when they log in to sign up. You can also share the schedule. (In an effort to reduce paper use, we do not plan on printing the schedule.)
Learn more about the self-paced online versions of the workshops offered through Canvas.
More about Information Competency instruction in higher education from the Association of College and Research Libraries.
Explore Project Information Literacy. (National Study, see video above)