Esteban Aguilar, Professor of Library Science - Electronic Resources Librarian/ZTC Library Faculty Coordinator
Ellen Caldwell, Professor of Art History/ZTC Instructional Faculty Coordinator
Monika Chavez, Professor of Library Science - Career Education Librarian
Hong Guo, Professor of Library Science - Online Learning Librarian
Romelia Salinas, Dean - Library & Learning Resources Division
Cristina Springfield, Professor of Library Science
Want help finding OER? Use the OER information request form and a member of our group will get back to you.
The Library Initiative for Equitable and Affordable Learning (LIEAL) and the Guided Pathways Committee is excited to offer awards for faculty to adopt, adapt or create open educational resources (OER) and other zero textbook cost (ZTC) materials for courses that fulfill a GE Pathway.
Possible approaches include:
ADOPT: Adopting an existing open textbook
ADAPT: Combining and remixing multiple open textbook; including the use of Library-licensed materials that have concurrent access in conjunction with the use of OER
CREATE: Authoring an open textbook
Attending an approved workshop on OER or ZTC.
Revising the Syllabus to include OER and zero-cost instructional materials as the sole instructional materials.
Reporting on the implementation experience by submitting a written report.
Sharing OER implementation experience in a department meeting, at a conference, or at a professional development workshop.
Faculty who create an OER will upload a copy of their work into Mt. SAC’s Collaborative OER Commons Hub.
Faculty who create an OER must show that it is under a Creative Commons license that does not contain any restrictions on derivative use. For more information on Creative Commons licenses visit their Licenses page.
Applications will be accepted until May 31, 2024. Successful proposal winners will be notified by June 14, 2024. For questions, please contact Esteban Aguilar at and Ellen Caldwell at
The Library Initiative for Equitable & Affordable Learning (LIEAL) is a workgroup originating in the Mt. SAC library. LIEAL was formalized in 2020 after many years of library-led activities and programs supporting OER and affordable learning materials issues on campus.
LIEAL promotes student success and fosters educational equity by seeking to reduce barriers to learning materials.
Read updates on the LIEAL blog
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