On Thursday, May 25, 2023 from 11am-12:30pm in Founders Hall, the Library Initiative for Equitable & Affordable Learning held the College's first annual OER Celebration. In attendance were OER Champion Award Nominees, their Deans, and supporters of Open Education from across campus. After a light lunch and general introductions, Library Dean Dr. Romelia Salinas announced the winners of the OER Champions Award as follows:
During her time at Mt. SAC, she has transitioned all her courses to be either zero- or low-cost. For the 2022-2023 academic year, our team calculated that she helped her students save over $20,000. True to the collaborative spirit of OER, Ellen openly shares resources that she authors. She writes lesson plans and articles for Art History Teaching Resources, a peer-populated online repository of Art History teaching content. She is an author of the open textbook Introduction to Art History and encourages her students to contribute to open education by hosting an Art + Feminism Wikipedia edit-a-thon in collaboration with the Library. Art + Feminism aims to increase and improve the coverage of cis and transgender women, non-binary folks, feminism, and art on Wikipedia. Her students create or expand biographies for art on Wikipedia. So far, her students have added 98,000 words and 908 references to Wikipedia. The articles that her students have contributed to have been viewed 484,000 times since their edits. While working on these accomplishments, Ellen has served as an OER mentor at Mt. SAC, helping other faculty transition their courses to OER. She is also an invaluable member of the Textbook and Instructional Materials Committee.
Professors Lisa Morales, Paula Young, Krysten DeWilde, Marissa Case, and Carrie Miller of the Natural Sciences Division developed open Canvas modules to help students navigate the “Hidden Curriculum” of college like time management, building healthy habits, growth mindset, test anxiety and metacognition. Once the final edits are complete, the modules will be available on Canvas Commons—easily allowing other Mt. SAC faculty or faculty from other schools to utilize them. Through the creation of these modules, this team exemplifies the spirit of open education: equity, collaboration, customization and sharing.