Equity is part of the Mt. San Antonio College campus culture. Documentation of our efforts shows Mt. SAC addressing equity concerns since the 1990s. Mt. SAC is committed to providing the same opportunities to all students through equity and student success initiatives.
Mt. SAC Library upholds similar vision and practice by providing access to information and information competency teaching/advocacy. Library student equity activities are based on activities which promote access, learning, and success. Everyone is an active agent in providing equity support.
*[Mt. SAC’s student equity plan is targeted to serving the following student groups (based on post-census data for Fall 2015 credit enrollment of 29,491].
Goal 1. Increase awareness of Mt. SAC Library information competency workshops through outreach.
Goal 2. Provide alternative information competency library engagement through strategic outreach actions. (Engagement actions: 1. Embedded Librarian at specific centers and programs on campus 2. Pop-up Library 3. Campus Event Outreach).