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History of Latin America

This guide, created for Professor Medrano's HIST 18 class, explains the research process and library resources related to the history of Latin America.  

Finding Articles in Library Databases

Evidence found in newspaper, magazine and journal articles is more specific than background information Journal Cover and support your arguments. Scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles are often required for academic papers. These articles are found using subscription library databases. 

A full list of the library subscription databases are below (Databases List), followed by a short list of History Article Databases to locate newspaper, magazine, and journal articles, and a list of online peer-reviewed journals related to Latin America:

Online Journals that you can access 24/7 with your portal username and password. 

Streaming Videos

The following video segment is from the library database, Films On Demand (FOD). The link will take you to a list of documentaries on Latin America. 

Not finding articles or videos that you need? Ask a librarian

A student is asking a question at the library information deskLibrarian help is always available. 

Workshops. Attend a library research workshop on using library databases to find articles from newspapers, magazines, and journals:

  • Finding & Evaluating Articles
  • Demystifying Scholarly Articles
    • in-person or on zoom

Ask a Librarian.