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Open Educational Resources (OER)

This guide provides resources and tools for faculty wishing to implement open educational resources (OER) in their courses.

Open Textbook Examples

English Comp textbook image
English Composition I
Full text:

Survey of American Literature textbook image
Survey of American Literature
Full text:

The Process of Research Writing
The Process of Research Writing
Full text:


Additional Course Materials for English/Composition

Below are OER collections containing a variety of English/Composition related course materials (e.g., readings, quizzes, simulations, assignments, and more). Since English/Composition encompasses a variety of subject areas, you can search the following OER collections using keywords related to your specific courses.

Search OER Commons for Communication Studies course materials
Search OER Commons using keywords related to your specific courses.


Search MERLOT for Communication Studies OER
Search MERLOT using keywords related to your specific courses.

SEARCH TIP: OER Commons and Merlot allow you to further limit results by sub-disciplines and material type. 

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