Most of these resources do not provide copies of the tests.
However these resources can be used for:
There are some tips for finding articles that do contain copies of the tests. These are described under each database below. If you cannot find the test you are looking for in the databases, try searching Google with the name of the test in quotes, for example: "Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)"
Some tests are not available online, and must be purchased either individually or through a collection.
Follow the tips for each database to search for tests, or to filter articles by test type.
Filter searches by test
(note: you can search without adding any keywords or subject terms in the search box to bring up all of the articles with that test.)
To find articles that include tests
(note: this will not always work. Sometimes articles without the test included will come up in the search results)
Example search for a student looking for articles on music AND emotion with the test included
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center)
Filter your search by publication type:
Search by ERIC number:
CINAHL Plus (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health)
Filter your search by publication type: