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ProQuest Research Companion: For Faculty

This guide explains how to create a free account, and how to track and report progress in ProQuest Research Companion, a database that offers online information literacy tutorials.

Embed PQRC Videos in Canvas

Embedding ProQuest Research Companion (PQRC) videos in Canvas is easy. You can embed one video at a time, or embed multiple videos all at once. In either case, you don't need to log in.

However, if you need your students to provide proof of video-viewing and assessment results, they must log in to track their progress in PQRC. In that case, instead of embedding videos in Canvas, it's better to direct the students to the About page of this guide. The page has instructions on how to set up an account and locate assessment results. 

Video Embedding - Singer Video

Embed codes for all videos can be generated simply by clicking on the “Embed this video” link below the video player (no need to log in).

Click "Embed this video" to get embed code

Embed Videos in Canvas

Paste the embed code for a single video or multiple videos in a Canvas page. When you embed multiple videos, you will only see one video on the page with a menu icon on the top right of the screen. Click on the icon to see the list of video that you have selected.


Multiple PQRC videos embedded in Canvas

Video Embedding - Multiple Videos

If you want to embed multiple videos at once,


Click "Embed custom playlist" if you want the embed code for multiple videos.    Select videos and click "Embed Playlist"  Embed code for playlist


  1. Click "Embed custom playlist"
  2. Select videos that you want to embed together
  3. Click "Embed Playlist"
  4. Copy the playlist embed code