Articles are found in periodicals which are published on a regular basis (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.) These include:
Current events are usually discussed in periodicals long before they become the subject of a book.
Periodicals often contain information on the latest trends, products, research and theories.
Watch the video in this section from ProQuest Research Companion about Scholarly Articles.
Note: Mt. SAC Portal login required if using a non-campus network. For access issues please see our tips for access or contact us.
Explore library online article resources in this section. Try searching with keywords like 'fashion merchandising', 'fashion design', 'fashion industry' or other combinations of related terms. Ask a Librarian if you need help.
Note: Mt. SAC Portal login required if using a non-campus network. For access issues please see our tips for access or contact us.
Take Finding & Evaluating Articles with a Librarian to learn strategies for doing research with articles. This workshop is available live in-person at the Library and over Zoom, and self-paced in Canvas.
Key Topics in this Workshop
Who should attend? Students who want to learn research techniques and strategies for finding articles. You will use a general article database useful for many different types of research topics in this workshop.
Prior experience needed? No prior experience is needed.
TIP: You can use your own research topic for several of the research activities in this workshop.