For additional resources for political science research,
please visit our Political Science Guide, and Citation Style
This guide is adapted with permission from the Pasadena City College's Country Information Guide.
For additional databases for political science research, please visit our Political Science Guide.
News Articles
Videos (see sample videos in the next column)
Search Tips
Tip 1: Use keywords to help narrow down your search and find relevant information more quickly.
[Your country] AND [keyword or words]
For example:
Tip 2: Use "Ctrl+F" (Windows) or "Command+F" (Mac) to quickly search webpages and documents.
Tip: Use the search boxes on these sites to find news & video related to your chosen country.
Below are two sample videos from the database, Films on Demand. More videos are available under the subject "Global Politics."
Log in with your portal username and password if you're off-campus.