Folding 1,000 origami cranes, senbazuru, is a tradition that originated from an ancient Japanese legend. The legend claimed that anyone who folded 1,000 paper cranes would be granted either a lifetime of happiness and good luck, or one wish.
As the national repository of Japanese American history, JANM creates groundbreaking historical and arts exhibitions, educational public programs, award-winning documentaries, and innovative curriculum that illuminate the stories and the rich cultural heritage of people of Japanese ancestry in the United States.
This origami resource center provides information about the art of paper folding. We provide links to diagrams, databases, book reviews, and ways to be a part of the paper folding community.
Paper Kawaii you’ll find origami instructions, diagrams, photo & video tutorials. Learn how to make cute origami boxes, envelopes, flowers, books, bows, hearts, animals, stars, & more. ♥